Project setup

To begin working with the Graphite codebase, you will need to set up the project to build and run on your local machine. Development usually involves running the dev server which watches for changes to frontend (web) and backend (Rust) code and automatically recompiles and reloads the Graphite editor in your browser.


Graphite is built with Rust and web technologies, which means you will need to install:

  • Node.js (the latest LTS version)
  • Rust (the latest stable release)
  • Git (any recent version)

Next, install the dependencies required for development builds:

cargo install cargo-watch
cargo install wasm-pack
cargo install -f wasm-bindgen-cli@0.2.100

Regarding the last one: you'll likely get faster build times if you manually install that specific version of wasm-bindgen-cli. It is supposed to be installed automatically but a version mismatch causes it to reinstall every single recompilation. It may need to be manually updated periodically to match the version of the wasm-bindgen dependency in Cargo.toml.

Linux users: click here

On Linux, you likely need to install this set of additional packages which are required by Tauri, even if you're just building the web app:

# On Debian-based (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) distributions:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libsoup2.4-dev libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev

# On Fedora-based (RHEL, CentOS, etc.) distributions:
sudo dnf install gtk3-devel libsoup-devel javascriptcoregtk4.0-devel webkit2gtk4.0-devel

# On OpenSUSE-based distributions:
sudo zypper install gtk3-devel libsoup-devel webkit2gtk3-soup2-devel

# On NixOS or when using the Nix package manager:


Clone the project to a convenient location:

git clone
cd Graphite

Development builds

From either the / (root) or /frontend directories, you can run the project by executing:

npm start

This spins up the dev server at http://localhost:8080 with a file watcher that performs hot reloading of the web page. You should be able to start the server, edit and save web and Rust code, and shut it down by double pressing CtrlC. You sometimes may need to reload the browser's page if hot reloading didn't behave right— always refresh when Rust recompiles.

This method compiles Graphite code in debug mode which includes debug symbols for viewing function names in stack traces. But be aware, it runs slower and the Wasm binary is much larger. Having your browser's developer tools open will also significantly impact performance in both debug and release builds, so it's best to close that when not in use.

Production build instructions: click here

You'll rarely need to compile your own production builds because our CI/CD system takes care of deployments. However, you can compile a production build with full optimizations by first installing the additional cargo-about dev dependency:

cargo install cargo-about

And then running:

npm run build

This produces the /frontend/dist directory containing the static site files that must be served by your own web server.

Development tooling

We provide default configurations for VS Code users. When you open the project, watch for a prompt to install the project's suggested extensions. They will provide helpful web and Rust tooling. If you use a different IDE, you won't get default configurations for the project out of the box, so please remember to format your code and check CI for errors.

Checking, linting, and formatting

While developing Rust code, cargo check, cargo clippy, and cargo fmt terminal commands may be run from the root directory. For web code, formatting issues can be linted using npm run lint (to view) and npm run lint-fix (to fix) if run from the /frontend directory.

If you don't use VS Code and its format-on-save feature, please remember to format before committing or set up a pre-commit hook to do that automatically. Disabling VS Code's Auto Save files feature is recommended to ensure you actually save (and thus format) file changes.